Rhys, a genius

My son can write his name. I said, MY SON CAN WRITE HIS NAME! On his own, not tracing dots or something like. As you can clearly tell, I am so excited about this.

Most of you are probably wondering why it is such a big deal since his name is only 4 letters long but the name I am talking about is his other Christian name which is eight letters long. I am so proud of him. At what age are most children able to do that? Well I am officially declaring that Rhys is a genius. Don’t hate Tandra.


“And don’t sin by letting anger control you. Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry”
Ephesians 4:26, NLT

When I get angry or upset, I tend to lash out at the world. Especially if I am ‘scratched’, which may not necessarily be someone actually deliberately provoking me but something small. Like Rhys may decide to act stubborn and decide to write on the walls with his crayons 2 days after the house has been painted. Boy does he get the fill of my wrath at that point.

I hate doing this so I learnt long time ago, that at such times I need to first cool down before doing anything about it. The other thing was that getting angry or upset would mean you giving the person who caused it control over you. And I love to be in control so I learnt that dissipating it as fast as possible was the only way to get the power back. The techniques: breaking glass, watching a cartoon, listening to music, talking to someone who cares especially him but most importantly prayer. How do you deal with your anger?

This is some inspiration from Joel Osteen concerning anger:

Do you realize how much energy it takes to be bitter or hold a grudge? We only have a certain amount of energy for each day. If we use it for the wrong purposes, focused on the negative, dwelling on who hurt us, we’re not going to have the energy we need for the right purposes. We’re not going to make the best decisions. We’re not going to be as creative. We’re not only doing ourselves a disservice, but we’re doing our family and our friends a disservice.

Remember, you can’t control what people do or say. You can only control yourself. If you’re allowing others to upset you, then you are giving away your power. The Scripture says, “Don’t let the sun go down on your anger.” The reason many people have no joy or enthusiasm is because they go to bed every night with anger and unforgiveness. When you go to bed like that, with a cluttered mind, focused on the negative, you wake up with the same negative emotions. Don’t let anger and unforgiveness block God’s blessing in your life. Choose to let those things go so you can live in the peace, joy, and power the Lord has for you.


Last Saturday, I went for the Stanbic Bank AUTO & HOME Show like thousands of other people. I really really like cars so definitely did resist. So I ventured to the Spear Motors tent/ display area. Now the Spear Motors show room/ offices are places that I dare not to visit because at the moment I cannot afford any of their cars (the cheapest probably about $35,000) and I so do not believe in getting a loan for a car which depreciates in value with time.

Anyway, there were cards on the cars which  indicated the cost of the cars in US  Dollars. What really grabbed my attention was the 10% deposit also indicated on these cards. The gentleman in charge was busy with some other peeps so I asked one of the ladies at their desk about the 10%.  And she confirmed that all one needed to pay is 10% of the total value and the rest can be paid in installments over a period of 5 years. I was like wow, that seems like a good deal.

After this, I was trying to diplomatically run away by letting her know that the cars I was interested in were not there so I would visit their offices one of these days but she was not relenting and asked me which ones I wanted. Ko me, the Jeep and she said it is $80,000 and they would get it for me in 3 weeks. Then I asked her about my dream car, the M Class  which she said was  90,000 Euros. The price was even in Euros and not dollars. I was like eh mama, my car be cool like that! But seriously, 90,000 Euros on a car! Yes I will eventually get to that point where it will be as if champ change but for now, nah.

The interesting thing bit was that she called over the sales guy when he was finally free and the guy was seriously giving me details about the car including providing me with a booklet/ brochure. After I left, I wondered, did I look loaded enough to seriously consider buying that car?! Maybe it was the clothes I was wearing that day. But it did feel good to be perceived in that way.

In other news, before I left the house that day, Rhys said to me,

” Mommy, you are nice.”

Ko his Kaka,

“She is nice or she looks nice?”

The he said,

“Mommy you look nice.”

I thought that was sweet. Guess that confirms that it was the clothes that made me look loaded.

The Healing Power of Laughter

One of the greatest stress relievers God has given us is laughter. It not only makes us feel better, but it actually releases healing throughout our system. When we laugh, it restores and rejuvenates what the pressures of life have taken out.

Proverbs 17:22 puts it like this, “A happy heart is like a good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing.” Notice, when we’re good-natured and full of joy, taking time to laugh and play, it’s like taking a good medicine. That’s what helps us to stay healthy. People that laugh regularly are 40% less likely to have a heart attack than people that don’t laugh regularly. Laughter triggers the right side of the brain, which helps release creativity and helps us to make better decisions.

There is too much sickness in our world today. Much of it is related to sadness. It’s directly related to the fact that we don’t smile enough. We live uptight and stressed out.

But even during trials and hard times, God says to us, “I’ve got a solution. In difficulties, cheer up. In famine, laugh. Keep your joy.” You can laugh your way to victory, to better health and to more energy.

God knows the end of the story. He knows the final outcome. The good news is you and I win. God always causes us to triumph. We should have a spring in our step, a smile on our face, joy in our hearts and unshakeable faith. God’s plan for our lives is for good and He has the answer to our every question. Knowing this, we can laugh at the days ahead!

Celebration of Love

For all those who have good loving partners put your hands up… actually stand up, acknowledge them, appreciate them and thank our Heavenly Father for them. He/She is not in any way to be taken for granted.

He sent me one rose on Monday and a hand written letter asking me to his valentine. I love hand written letters and beautiful words. He did not take it for granted that even if we have been together for all this time it would be automatic. Then yesterday he came to my office with some more roses and chocolate just because it was a Tuesday. Yeah, I know Tandra, he makes them look bad.

Now while I was on my home in the evening, on seeing the roses a guy who sat next to me in the taxi and I had had one of the weirdest conversations in my life. Weird not because of the content of the conversation but because he was a stranger, thus someone who I had obviously never met and yet we talked like we were old friends.

The thing that he said which struck me the most was,

“You are lucky to have someone.”

He is right but to me it is more that I am blessed rather than luck. He is so so so much and then some more.












God fearing

A good listener



Delicious (you need to kiss him to understand that 😉 )

And this is just a tip of the iceberg to describe who he is…

My warrior, my baby and I am proud to call him my wonderful man.

437 always…


On my route to work everyday, there is a corner where a number of dogs reside. Lately whenever I pass by this particular spot, they are out of their residence, on the road playing around or at times busy scuffling over some food.

Today though was unique morning for them. It seems like it might be the heat season for the dogs. Now the problem is that it looks like there is only one bitch in this bunch and today all the other dogs, about 4 of them, were surrounding the bitch and 3 of them were trying to mount her. It was just amazing because she seemed kawa with it all. Just moving around a bit and not going far while the male dogs were just crowding her and continuously trying to out compete the other to get some action.  The 4th dog just kept on barking on the side, probably not amused that he was not part of the action or maybe bored and trying to tell his buddies,

” Leave the bitch alone guys, lets go chase a car!”

I wondered if men actually feel that way when they are around a hot kyana. A scenario came to mind at that point, a hot kyana like Ciara/Halle Berry/or any lady who you consider hot at a bar and four guys just around her, some sitting and others standing. A screen is placed before this scenario which transforms all the humans into dogs. What came to mind is exactly what was going on with those dogs!

Enjoy the rest of the week my peoples.

By Sybella Posted in Just

Nothing Can Hold You Back

“The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree…” (Psalm 92:12).

Have you ever seen a palm tree in the midst of a great storm or hurricane? That tree may be bent so far over that it’s almost touching the ground, but when the wind finally stops, that palm tree bounces right back up. And do you know that while that palm tree is hunched over under the pressure of the storm, it is actually growing stronger?

The reason God said we’d flourish like a palm tree is because He knew there would be difficult times. He knew things would come against us to try to steal our joy and victory. God said, “You’re going to be like a palm tree because the storms of life will come, the winds will blow, but you are going to come right back up again stronger than before.” Nothing can hold you back! No weapon formed against you will ever prosper. No matter what’s happening in the world around you, keep standing. Keep praying. Keep believing. Your brightest days are right out in front of you, and God’s plan is to bring you blessing and victory all the days of your life.

Inspiration from Pastor Joel Osteen


Idiotic men are lucky that some of us of the female species do not have:

A. Guns

B. Weapons like tazer guns

C. Super hero Powers, most importantly

Now let’s get something straight before I go on, “idiotic men” means men who are idiots and not that I am calling all men idiots. Understood? Now moving on…

To get to the heart of the matter, during a recent evening this week, after having a wonderful time chilling with my girls, I was in the park making my way to the taxi with a considerable amount of migugu, looking forward to getting home to my wonderful baby boy when I feel something on my butt. After a few seconds I realize that a guy has just deliberately touched my butt. The guy disappeared in the throng of people and taxis, that is the organized chaos that is the old taxi park . And it was a dark night.

At that point, all I wanted to do was scream WHAT THE FUCK! What the fuck is wrong with such idiotic men?! Do they think that just because one look at me makes them horny it gives them the right to just touch me! Even he doesn’t just touch my butt just like that or wherever because he knows how I feel about it.

On my way home, all I could think about was what I would have done had I had the powers I have always admired in a superhero: Jean Grey’s a.k.a. The Phoenix of the X-Men. Take your pick of whichever form of revenge you think would have been best:

*Slowly lift him off the ground and send him straight to where the LRA rebels are hiding and put on him a sign that says, YES I HATE KONY AND WANT HIM DEAD.

*Get into his mind and brainwash him into thinking that he is impotent for at least 2 years as punishment. After this time lapse, warn him that if he ever disrespected any woman in any way or even thinks of it, all his bits will fall off.

*Give him nightmares of the feeling of constantly being circumcised while he has a hard on.

*Lift his idiotic self to the middle of a desert with only skunk’s urine as his means of food and water.

Ok, I don’t think these really seem vengeful enough but I was seriously upset about it. He even has got me to curse on my blog which I never do and yet this is a UNIVERSAL blog. 🙂

I guess there is something that is just not registering or has Never registered in my nut, guys, why do those idiotic men do something like that? This is a virtual stranger who does not deserve such disrespect. Someone kindly educate me.